Monday, November 26, 2007

New Product Idea

I have a truly inspired idea for a new product. If someone could put it together quickly and get it ready for Christmas shopping, I know they'd make a fortune.

You've heard of noise-canceling headphones? They are amazing headphones that emit a sound that somehow cancels out the sounds around you without just blasting a ton of static into your ears. Some of them work really well. I have a pair that I wear on airplanes.

Well, how about noise canceling mouthpieces? They would cancel out the sound of the person wearing them, so no one would have to listen to them speak or scream. They would be great for children, whether on airplanes, art museums, movies, or when your friends bring them to visit.

If you could make some really cheap ones I could carry some with me, and offer them to needy children.

I'm just a giver, you know. Always thinking of the children.

Anyone interested in creating this product?

The art is Pablo Picasso's Mother and Child, 1922.


Anonymous said...

While I little capital to contribute, I'll support this product!

I'm also looking for someone to promote 'child free flights' and on the upside for parents, 'child friendly flights.' Really, I see huge opportunity here.

LARMOT said...

Can it also come in whiney teenager, obnoxious adult and windbag politician sizes? I see many possibilities....

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious....Nancy you have the BEST I think maybe we could call it "Put Up or Shut Up"...a cornucopia of uses...good for you Nancy, you're the best!!

John Burt said...

I'll give it to my whole workplace!

Great to see you posting again. I've let it lapse, but you've inspired me.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.