Friday, November 9, 2007

Cats or Children?

I think I'm better with cats than with children. When I come home, Cujo meets me at the door, meowing loudly and continually. I have learned that this is his "I'm hungry" cry. So I fill his dish and take it to his area, saying, "Look Cujo, it's yummy yummy Cujo food for Cujo!" I like to say his name a lot, because I think somehow he will learn it and eventually come when I call him, fetch sticks, and guard the house against burglars.

My friend has a 2 year old child. To him I say, "So, have you considered colleges? What do you think you'd like to do?" And sometimes, "Geez, kid, get a job!" And, "Do you realize it is rather annoying when you run around and around the house like that slapping everyone?"

I pick Cujo up and stroke him, saying, "Good Cujo. What a good kitten you are, my little special kitty cat." Cat hair and dander flies everywhere. There are times when I seem to be wearing a cat hair suit.

I shake hands with my friend's child, then wash my hands, because we all know kids are germ magnets.

It's probably a good thing I forgot to have children.

The art is from an old 1980's T-shirt that I've always loved, based on a Roy Lichtenstein painting.


LARMOT said...

I do not believe everyone should have kids. I love kids and all the ones that are in my life, but it is not meant for everyone....remember:
"It takes a child to raze a village"

Anonymous said...

I have good friends who couldn't have I used to lend them mine. I had freedom, they got the chance. It was an enlightening experience for me, them and my kids. So you could try that! The best part is you can always give them for cats...sigh...they sometimes are the crab grass on the lawn of life. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of procreating, you still dating El Mexicano? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for not having kids....

Nancy said...


You know I did it (or didn't do it) just for you.