Friday, October 3, 2008

Why I Can't Support Sarah Palin as VP

She said she is "a pit bull with lipstick." I don't want a pit bull as vice-president, whether it wears lipstick or not. Granted, I know a pit bull who is the sweetest dog in the world, but they are not generally known for their compassion and intelligence. Maybe I could go with a smarter dog like a collie or a poodle or something, but not a pit bull.

People say they like her because "she is just like me." I don't want someone just like me. I want someone better than me. Someone smarter, more diplomatic, calmer under pressure, and more knowledgeable about the world, the economy, and law. I don't see her as that.

I want a person who is pro-choice and anti-war.

I don't want a person whose campaign slogan is "Drill baby drill." It will take 10 years or longer to get this tiny amount of oil out of Alaska. I would rather they focus on something more practical and forward thinking.

She doesn't understand that a community organizer, Obama's job when he was younger, could be just what the country needs right now. That is one of the toughest jobs anywhere, and for her to insult the profession rubs me the wrong way. It makes her seem ignorant, and kind of mean.

I know that some of my friends do support her, and I respect that. But I just can't support her.