Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Deep Philosophical Question

Do you think that my cat knows I love him? And can he love me?

Or does he just want me because I feed him and scoop out his poop, and if I died he would eat me?
The art is Nude With a Cat, 1949, by Balthus.


Anonymous said...

I think animals know when they are loved. Cats less so than dogs, but still if you didn't feed him he/she would come looking for you. If you died I don't think he would eat you unless he was really really hungry. Funny how different animals are from people eh?

KW said...

Cats, you can provide so much love for a cat, and get love in return....with some cats. But, with others, are way too independent and use their masters as domesticated slaves. I had 3 and ended up getting rid of them...they can be worse than kids.

Anonymous said...

The cat loves you. I'm sure it likes to be fed and cared for but it knows it can get food any where, it stays for the love and attention. Cat's are smart if they don't like you they move on.
Yes they would eat you when you die but only if they couldn't get out of the house and had nothing else to eat. Not very likely though. Forced with the same position would humans do the same thing? Let's think, what happened on that movie where the airplane crashed in the mountains. . .
Food for thought. . . Jack

Nancy said...


I like to believe he knows he is loved. And are you saying that people would be more likely to eat their cats than cats would be to eat their people?


Nancy said...


He does cuddle with me sometimes in bed, and comes to me for affection and to play. So it's not simply for maintenance... :)

And I had to force myself to not run to him whenever he cried (meowed plaintively, rather, but you know).

Nancy said...


My cat cannot move on. He is a prisoner. (I mean, he is an indoor cat.) But he does seem to understand that he is cared for, and perhaps even loved. I hope so.

And yep, we would eat one another too. Ah well.

Anonymous said...

No, I'm not saying that...I think there's a mutual respect thing going on. You don't eat me I won't eat you...lol. Law of the jungle and all that.

John Burt said...

When by golden retriever puppy was first introduced to rain, she ran in the streams of water by the curb and tried to drink them all up. She thought of downspouts as special drinking fountains designed especially for her. And she was so happy I had invented both things for her. When the leaves fell down, she believed I had arranged it all as a reward, because she had been such a good puppy. I can hardly wait to see what she makes of snow.