Sunday, September 9, 2007

Free Food in the Conference Room!

Why is that when food is free we have to have some? When there are clients in, and there is leftover lunch, why do we become starving orphans who MUST storm the conference room and have the leftover pizza and pasta salad? Even if we just ate our own lunch?

Even if we ordinarily don't eat potato chips, or cookies, or whatever, if it is free we scarf it up like starving dogs.

Or is it just me?

The art is English painter Edith Corbet's A Bacchante.


Anonymous said...

Not just you Nancy...I have also witnessed the "FEASTING"...sigh. I think the key word is "free". I once had a manager who would order extra food for his meetings so that all the staff on the floor who weren't in the meeting would get something. Sigh...I guess it's just Human Nature...

Nancy said...


I'm impressed that your manager had the foresight to get extra food for everyone. That way it feels less like a feeding frenzy - Who gets the last cookie???

Anonymous said...

If it's for free, it's for me.

Perfect timing as there are meetings in my office for which food is ordered. There is enough to feed the Spanish Armada, and that's just breakfast. Not counting leftovers from yesterday's breakfast, lunch, snack... We'll eat this stuff until it's way past fresh, all because it's free.

As for the last cookie, my favorite is when people cut it in half w/ a knife, so as to not be greedy and take the last one. Then someone cuts that half in half and so on.

KW said...

If I saw the last cookie sitting on the platter, I'd fight you for it! :)

John Burt said...

I keep thinking what a shame it would be to waste food. On the other hand, since my doctor has read me the riot act about my cholesterol, my weight, my blood pressure, and all those middle aged things that go wrong with people who take as little care of themselves as I do, it's also a shame to eat it!