Saturday, June 2, 2007

A trip to the restroom

The other night my friend Kate and I were at a bar and had to use the restroom, so off we went. This was one of these bars that have bathrooms that are downstairs, around a corner, down a corridor, and good luck finding the thing.

We went downstairs, around the corner, down the corridor, and saw 2 matching doors. We both opened them simultaneously, to find ourselves each in a dark utility closet. We laughed, turned around, and stepped back to get our bearings. We saw another door further down that was indeed a women's restroom.

We opened the door, and just to our right were 2 women leaving. We almost ran into them. Kate and I said, "Oh, excuse me!" Then we realized the women were us. There was a mirror on the wall just to our right as we entered the restroom.

It was a stupid bar anyway.

The art is Paul Gaugin's Two Tahitian Women with Mango Blossoms, 1899.


Gunz said...

Did you compliment them for being so damn cute?

Nancy said...


They were kind of cute, but one looked sort of like a teenage slut.

Gunz said...

Aw....don't be calling yourself a teenaged slut Nancy!

You are far too sophisticated for that title!


I see you also were tagged by Rodrigo, that mad Portuguese speaking blogger/spammer.

John Burt said...

Aren't you glad there were two of you? Had you been by yourself, you would have concluded that you were losing your marbles.

Nancy said...

Can anyone translate Rodrigo's comment? Anyone?

Nancy said...


You are right, I hadn't thought of that! I would have felt even more stupid trying to pee in a utility closet and apologizing to myself! LOL

Nancy said...

According to the WorldLingo translator, it says:

Oi, I found yours blog for google the well interesting one I liked this post to you. When to give of the one passed by mine blog, is on personalized t-shirts, shows step by step as to create a well personalized t-shirt way. Until more.

Guess he is selling t-shirts? I'd still welcome a real translation!

John Burt said...

About the picture for this post: is the woman on the left suggesting to the woman on the right that they should take a trip to the restroom?

Anonymous said...

Washrooms eh? I was at a bar where they had those basement washrooms tucked away in a corner. I went down there, by myself (I am a man after all) and managed to find the mens...I opened the door and instead of a mirror was greeted by a man making love to a woman...excuse boldly I used the woman's washroom...I mean what's a guy to do??

Nancy said...

Well yes, Rolfe, she is. But since they are in the out of doors, they can just use any old tree as a bathroom. So their chances of blindly walking into a utility closet are minimal.

Nancy said...


Whoa! That would be pretty surprising! Well, good for you for just using the ladies'!

Frank said...

Haha, reading your blog I suddenly had a mental image of Manray and their bathrooms which were downstairs. Though one could not mistake which was a bathroom and which wasn't. There were pictures on the wall next to each bathroom with the appropriate genitalia required to use it lol. That was a fun, and interesting, club.