Thursday, May 24, 2007

Gaggle of Giddy Giggling Girls

This is a common breed of human here in the college town of Boston. They can be spotted virtually anywhere, but tend to flock in and around bars, especially bars offering discounted appetizers and low priced beer.

Each individual member of a flock resembles the other members of the flock. For example, all may have long blond hair, or all may wear short skirts and tube tops. They stay very close together, even when relieving themselves in public restrooms.

Breaking one apart from the flock can be exceedingly difficult for the male of the species. Said males often watch from a safe distance. The males are their own breed, and will be discussed in a future post.

Oddly, these same girls can complain that "there are no guys here."

Once they have fed and drunk, their voices become high pitched and loud, some have called these voices "shrieking." Hearing one call out in this voice has been known to make others jump out of their seats in shock. At times a casual viewer will be tempted to slap them. Be advised, though, that while these girls may appear weak and inconsequential, when provoked they can wreak serious damage on a person's bodily area. I advise you to do nothing provocative in their presence. Please. It is for your own safety.

Do you have these creatures in your town?

The art is French Impressionist painter Renoir Pierre Auguste The Bathers, 1887. He was one of the great worshippers of the female form, and he said "I never think I have finished a nude until I think I could pinch it."


John Burt said...

Yes, of course, and I love them, one and all! I love their turns of phrase, their body language, their joy in life. The make me wish I had Chaucer's gift for seeing the human comedy.

Frank said...

Haha, we have all kinds of breeds at the college I work at. I have definitely seen the Gaggles in the cafeterias here, though minus the alcohol heightened shrieks. I have also seen the gaggles coalesce in smaller subsets of the original group in the halls between classes.

I can't wait to here about the male breed. lol

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, indeed we do...sigh. According to their age they can be very annoying. I prefer the small group type of one or two.

Nancy said...


You gotta love 'em, however annoying they are. They are great fun to watch. From a safe distance, of course.

Nancy said...


You got them too? Just remember, they have a right to exist too. All God's creatures and all.

Nancy said...


Yes, most prefer the smaller groups of women. They are exponentially more difficult to approach as the group gets larger.

Anonymous said...

Do we have that breed.

Oh God. We are right near Ann Arbor. What we have here are idiots, idiots who will have degrees one day.

In the meantime, they can't watch out for traffic, they have a competition for the most annoying cell phone ring, and are imbued with a sense of entitlement and smug superiority.

Kinda makes me miss the carnival and the better class of people...

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Nancy, and with Pizza God. Remember, I live out by BU & BC and am on the subway with said species (both male & female) every day. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, right?

Nancy said...

Pizza God,

Oh, I imagine you get them in droves, what with going out to fairs and whatnot. And now you are in Ann Arbor? Yikes. Good luck.

Nancy said...

Hey Megs, glad you could make it!

I know you are surrounded by them. Do you find you have better success by blending in or by just pushing through.

I would think protective coloration might be difficult with such a group.

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