Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My New Gym

Today is my first day at my brand spanking new health club. I even have a personal trainer. Woo hoo!

The place is huge, and new, and clean, unlike any gym I've ever been to. My trainer Lesley did a fitness assessment. I am not in as bad of shape as I thought. My fat percentage was 15 on my belly, and 25 on my triceps and quads (those are the upper backs of my arms, and thighs to the unfit among us). :) Good thing they didn't test the fat content of my ass. That would be more like 90% fat, I think.

My cardiovascular endurance was Average, which is better than I thought it would be. I could do a grand total of 6 - yes, count 'em - 6 - push ups!

Guess I'll have to quit smoking now and be some kind of healthy person. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted!

Do you go to a gym? How is it?

The art is Bather Stretched Out On Floor by French painter Edgar Degas, 1886.


Gunz said...

You're stronger than me at the moment!

I can't even do 1 pushup...


Nancy said...


Well that is just because you are injured, silly! Otherwise you could probably bench press me!

Howard said...

I've started going again too. Been 4 times each of the last two weeks and will do 4 or 5 this week.

John Burt said...

Is the bather in the picture stretched out on the floor because she's pooped out by doing too many laps?

I haven't been to the gym in months --- typically, I'm someone who pays for the membership and never goes, figuring that maybe I can exercise by osmosis --- all of which is stupid, because in fact when I do go I more than make up the time I spend by being clearer-headed all day. Not that I'm ever very clear headed.

Anonymous said...

I don't go to a gym, they'd probably faint at the sight of me in a gym.

But quitting smoking is what they want you to do. The evil gym rats. The people who live there and drink celery juice and try to tell you it tastes better than chocolate. The people who would die before alcohol touched their lips. They want to live forever, they want to outlive Jack LaLanne, but they'll probably all die while out jogging, as they didn't hear or see the truck, as they were fiddling with their iPods.

Anonymous said...

I am just about to board the 9:15 Accela to NYC; they should put a gym on the train. Maybe hang some of Nancy's pictures from her former blog in front of the treadmill:D


Nancy said...


Yay us! We both have a hard time getting in the habit of going. But I'm going to really try to stick with it.

Nancy said...


I have been that person too - the one who joins but then doesn't go. It's like, hey, I joined, isn't that enough?

And yes, I liked that painting because she looked really tired. :)

Nancy said...


It is really odd - at my gym, it seemed like everyone there didn't need to be there at all. They were all gorgeous tiny young women (and gorgeous buff young men). Maybe it was just the time of day I went (mid-day) but there was no one there who looked like they needed anything other than to be taken out for a good lunch.

Nancy said...


You big silly! :)

John Burt said...

One of the reasons I like the gym I don't go to, is that the people who ARE there are in not much better shape than I am. (But maybe that means they weren't helped much by all that exercising.)

I gym full of very buff people (such as yourself, perhaps!) would depress me so much I wouldn't exercise anyway. It might make for good ogling, though. I wonder how many calories you can lose just ogling?

Frank said...

I definitely need to get working out. I am not as active as I once was and now my upper back is yelling at me. And several months back I took a stress test that lasted all of ten minutes. As I think on it now, if it took that little time to get my heart rate fast enough for the test, then I am seriously out of shape lol. I wonder how many pushups I can do ...

Nancy said...


I think that by ogling one uses exactly 5 calories per hour. More if you ogle while trying to act like you are actually working out. :)

Nancy said...


I lasted about 8 minutes on the cardiovascular test. He said that was average. I'm sure it is a different test than the one they do for heart evaluations though.

KW said...

Actually, the cardio test for heart evals aren't that much different. They hook you up to a EKG monitor while they put you thru the test with a slight elevation on the treadmill.
My heart was fine, but leg endurance was another story. Joined a gym a few months back, and still trying to keep myself motivated.

Nancy said...


I didn't realize the tests were that similar. Interesting. And I found out yesterday that my leg strength is pretty bad. And wow are they sore today! :)