Tuesday, September 18, 2007

More Buffett Photos

People brought all kinds of stuff to this thing.
The first photo is me in one of the several inflatable pools that people brought. They somehow brought enough water to actually fill these things. The water felt great on such a hot day.
The second photo is of a cooler/scooter. Seriously. The guy sat on a cooler and rode it around like a scooter. Weird, but pretty cool nonetheless.
The last photo is of me and a portable blender, owned by the couple parked next to our tent. You make it run by turning the knob I am touching, just like you would a motorcycle. It made a revving sound too. Very cool.
I tried to interview him on video, but we had technical difficulties and couldn't finish the interview.


John Burt said...

The last photo of you is particularly good!

LARMOT said...

I've been to two Buffett Concerts, but I guess since I am already in Florida the enthusiasm was not quite the same. The best was at the Marine Stadium where you got to watch from boats, innertubes or anything that kept afloat....

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures of you...wow what it must be like to actually meet you in person...I am lost in thought and imagination...sigh. Sounds like this was truly a cool experience. Good for you.

Nancy said...

Peter, you big silly. Thanks. :)

Nancy said...

That sounds like fun. And I wish you could come up here for a land-locked celebration. I think you'd like it!

Nancy said...


With the blender? Well thanky very much!