Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mmmm.... Testicles

The AP reports that in Wisconsin, a popular dish is deep fried testicles. Mmmm... Testicles....

More than 300 people paid $5 for all-you-can-eat goat, lamb and bull testicles Saturday at the ninth annual Testicle Festival in central Wisconsin.

They fry up to 100 pounds of testicles every year.

"What else can you do in a small town?" one person who was interviewed said.

Another person said he likes the parts sandwiched between bread with tartar sauce.

Yeah, what else is there to do in a small town other than eat testicles? I dunno. Scrabble?

Have you ever had this tasty treat?

The art is Leonardo Da Vinci's Madonna in the Rock Grotto, c.1495. Some people claim to see a giant penis and testicle just above her head. Of course, they probably also see scary nightmare pandas in ice cubes.


LARMOT said...

My cousin and godson live in Wisconsin and they find plenty to do. I did not know there were so many male animals in that State that wanted to be transgendered.....

Nancy said...


Oh well of course, all the animals whose testicles are consumed gave them up willingly. Er. Yes. I'm sure of it.

And I also heard there are other things to do in Wisconsin than eat testicles. I heard they even have beer there. Of course, maybe they are just drinking so much beer that balls seem like fine cuisine...

Gunz said...

Chocolate Salty Balls....those are my fave.

KW said...

I just lost my appetite!

Anonymous said...

Rocky Mountain Oysters is the out-west name for fried testicles. They are OK, if non-descript, as usually served, which is deep fried. I'd venture that prepared differently they might even be good, much as sweetbreads (the pineal gland, I think) and other organ and gland meats can be.


Anonymous said...

I've never had any (well, I"ve got my own, but I'm not that limber) but there is a Testicle Festival in the west and their slogan? "Come in and Have a Ball!"

Nancy said...


I know! It just doesn't sound all that tasty to me either!

Nancy said...


You did see the South Park episode with Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls, right?

Nancy said...


I did eat sweetbreads once, and I don't recall them being that bad. Not great, but not bad. I think I would need a lot of that Milwaukee beer to get me to chomp down on a testicle, though.

Nancy said...


Come in and have a ball? Eeeewww!

Anonymous said...

It's traditional in some forms of bullfighting for the matador to be served the testicles after a bullfight because they're the best meat on the animal.

Truth be told, most parts of the world eat a lot more of the animal than we do. For whatever reason, we've decided as a culture that only the meat is edible, when that's blatantly untrue.

Also, congrats on spreading yourself further across the web!

Nancy said...

Hey Ginnung, nice to see you!

You're right, of course, we eat a lot less of animals than most others around the world.

But raw testicles of the bull you just killed in a bullfight? I'm sorry, but ewwwww!

Dianeinla said...

ewwww. that's just a major EWWWW moment.

Nancy said...


I hear ya! Eeeewwww!