Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sneakers in Paris

Before I went to Paris I looked online to see what people in Paris were wearing. I don't mind others knowing I am a tourist (because I am) but I didn't want to stick out too badly.

One thing that every site said was that no one wears sneakers, and women wear heels. So I brought low-heeled boots, higher heeled shoes, and a pair of non-sneaker flats. I thought my feet were broken the first day, after walking all over Paris, over cobblestone streets, and through the Louvre.

Sneakers? They were everywhere. Whoever said that Parisian women wear strictly high heels has never been to Paris. A few women did have heels on, but they looked like they were going out somewhere at night. For daytime, women wear flats or sneakers. They aren't stupid. I mean really.

Of course, the sneakers were clean, and were more of the Chuck Taylor type than Nikes.

Oh, and they wear jeans too.

The photo is one I took of the Eiffel Tower. I don't know why it is rotated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live in France and know Paris fairly well. An old friend who was coming to stay with us emailed in advance to ask if it was true that all Frenchmen always wear black shoes. Who is it who spreads these tales? Likewise the crazy idea that French people are anti-American. Not so. They just pity us for our crazy religionists and our Republican politicians.